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Prenatal, antenatal and postnatal care

At LHC, we offer maternity package that cover through antenatal, natal and postnatal services. The package include more than 8 contact visits with our obstetrician during the antenatal period with laboratory tests and ultrasound scan coverage as well as obstetric and paediatric review during the natal and immediate postanatal period.

Normal and operative deliveries

Our maternity team consist of highly trained specialist, doctor and midwives that are effective in giving our clients a postive child birth experience. We encourage our clients to share with us their birth plans and we do our best to meet their needs. Our materniy unit is well equipped to handle both normal and operative deliveries safely.

Cervical cancer screening

LHC is frontline in actively screening our female clients for cervical cancer. It is essential to us that we not only screen but also offer early treatment in suspect cases as well as a follow up plan. We are aware that cervical cancer is one of the leading cause of mortality amongst women in Tanzania. Therefore we are keen to ensure that the women that walk into our facility are screened and managed accordingly.

Conception and fertility

We perform laboratory and radiological test that assist in the diagnosis of various causes of infertility at LHC. We also have pharmaceutical drugs that are very potent in ovulation induction as well as management of the male factor in fertilty.

Adolescent health services

Adolescence is a period that can be very challenging for a child in a mental, social and physical aspect. At LHC, we encourage a one to one contact with our gynaecologist in order to provide a safe space where a female child in transition is able to express her concerns on puberty and adolescence. We also perform tests and manage any illnesses that may be associated with the hormonal changes during adolescence.

Sexual and reproductive health service

At LHC, we aim to ensure that our female clients get diagnostic, medical and preventive management in all reproductive tract illnesses. We also are keen to guide them in planning their reproductive goals and acquiring the right family planning methods for proper child spacing.

Gynaecological surgeries

We have an efficient surgical team that will assist you in procedures such as uterine removal (hysterectomy), removal of fibroids(myomectomy), removal of cysts, cosmetic and therapeutic perineal repair( perineoplasty) and many more.

Dr. Mubina Salum Suleiman


Dr Eshi-Fisha Linda Sawe


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24 Hours 7 Days / week

Tel: (255) 0739 542 542 / 022 266 4839

London Health Centre | Kimweri Av, Msasani | Dar Es Salaam | Tanzania.


Semi Private:

Morning: 9am to 11am
Evening:  5pm to 8pm 

Private :

7am to 10pm

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