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Family Physicians & GPs

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

OSA, is seen in all age groups, and symptoms include snoring and daytime sleepiness. The risks created are high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, depression, & car accidents (sleepy while driving). Signs of OSA are: 1) Your breathing during sleep is reduced (or may stop), OR having breathing difficulties when asleep OSA can be associated with other medical problems, and you may not be aware of it happening. It can be treated fully by using CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure / power), that provides continuous mild air pressure, keeping the airways open for those who breathe spontaneously allowing for smoother breathing & sleep.

Acute Sickness

Get the right diagnosis Our diagnostic skills, which include a detail history taking, means we can often come to a solution without any tests. We perform multiple system checks with each of our examinations, which ensure we don't miss anything.  We have a full back up of laboratory tests and radiology imaging to make sure we reach the right diagnosis.  Our extensive experience at dealing with common symptoms including fever, cough, cold, pain, rashes, headaches, sickness & much much more means we can arrive at the solution much quicker, giving you the right treatment in order to get better.  Unlike many other clinics, our aim is to keep your health our main focus, without over-prescribing.  We will only prescribe what is necessary. We have  fully equipped observation bay for those he need to have a short stay to deal with their illness 

Wound Management and Dressings

Wound Care ServicesIf you’re suffering from a non-healing wound, you’re not alone. There are many patients who are just like you, and are kept away from doing things they love to do because of chronic non-healing wounds. Whether caused by diabetic wound, chronic leg ulcers, poor circulation, physical trauma or other conditions, our doctors at London Health Centre are experts in Wound Care.London Health Centre offers a highly-integrated, comprehensive approach for wound management with our primary care doctors who are actively involved indressing wounds. By using materials with medical technology, we have a high success rate of wound healing, featuring: Four layer compression bandagingNegative pressure wound therapy Some of the dressing brands that we use include:Smith & NephewCovidien AMD (Antimicrobial Foam Dressing)ConvaTecWho Needs Wound Care?There are a variety of circumstances in which a person may need, wound care. They include, but are not limited to:• Ulcers (pressure, diabetic, neuropathic or ischemic)• Surgical wounds• Vasculitis• Burns• Peristomal skin irritations• Actinomycosis• Preservation of compromised skin grafts and flaps• Crush injury/acute traumatic peripheral ischemia• Progressive necrotizing infections (necrotizing fasciitis)• Osteoradionecrosis• Traumatic woundsWhat you can expect…On your first visit, our specialist will evaluate your wound and general health. They’ll review your medical, wound and medication history.A blood test may beinvolved. You may also need special tests that give us information about blood flow and oxygen flow in the area of your wound. In addition, your doctor will determine whether you may need antibiotics as well as a tetanus injection.The healing program is determined upon the results of your personal needs as well as testing and evaluation.This program will include regular visits to our centre for treatment and evaluations of your progress.You and/or your care-givers will be given detailed instructions for home-care including dietary and nutrition recommendations, instructions for changing dressings (bandages) and recommendations for protecting the wound from further injury.We request you to keep your appointments, follow directions carefully and watch your progress closely between visits.

Ear Irrigation & Syringing Service

It could be a simple wax impaction We offer a consultation and if advised by our doctors we use our Propulse® ear irrigation system to effectively deal with the problem. Safer that conventional ear syringing and less chance of perforation. Propulse® ear irrigation uses tiny jets of water to loosen and remove the wax.


Simple and fastest tests used to evaluate the heart We are able to offer Routine and Urgent ECG Services. Our 12 Lead Welch Allyn® Cardio ECG Machine in the hands of our qualified trained staff provides excellent quality ECG recording.

Weight Loss Management

We committed to help ensure you are in good condition and that there are no other underlying reasons for your weight gain. Our team will aid to put you on road to shedding the pounds by working through realistic goals, fit for you through our rehabilitation center.

Vaccinations & Immunisations for Children

Getting your child vaccinated removes the risk of them getting seriously ill and suffering pain, disability, and even death against serious, deadly diseases. If you are unsure whether your child is up to date with their vaccinations, then you are welcome to come and see us for a review of their history and discuss whether any further vaccinations are needed.  We are able provide private vaccinations for children including: Hepatitis A Hepatitis B Varicella - Chicken Pox Rotarix (Rotavirus) MMR (Measles, Mumps Rubella) Pentaxim (HiB, DTP, Polio) Infanrix hexa (HiB, DTP, Polio, Hep B) Prevenar (Pneumococcal) Typhoid Meningococcal (ACYW) Adacel Polio (DTP & Polio booster pre-school) HPV Cervarix or Guardasil (Girls aged 9 and above, prevention of cervical cancer) Influenza

Babies and Children

We care for children as early as newborns, making sure they're immunized safely and on time, we also measure their growth through charts. When we examine your child, we inspect their physical and emotional progression, alongside giving guidance and also do any required tests. As children grow, they will need appointment checkups at these certain ages; 2 weeks, 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 months, 18 months , 2 years , 2 &1/2 years, 3rd , 4th and 5th years. 

Adult Vaccinations & Immunisatins

Recommended Vaccinations for Adults : Influenza (Flu Vaccine) - once a year Typhoid Fever Vaccine - once every three years Hepatitis B Vaccine - three doses at 0, 1, 6 months (once) Meningitis - Meningococcal A, C, Y, W- 135 conjugate - every 5 years Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio booster - every ten years Pneumococcal - PCV23 Vaccine - once only Cholera Hepatitis A Vaccine Why is it important to get vaccinated as an adult?   Vaccines are an important step in protecting adults against serious, sometimes deadly, diseases. Even if you were vaccinated at a younger age, the protection from some vaccines can wear off, so your resistance is not as strong. You may also be at risk for vaccine-preventable diseases due to your age, job, hobbies, travel, or chronic health conditions.

Health Check Up Packages

Health Check Up PackagesWe undertake 3health check up packages. These will give you a good indicator of your current health status.Speak one one of our doctors to discuss which one you should undertake. Doesn't Quite Fit?We are able to make tailored health check up packages including visa screening, occupational health assessments (NGO / Corporate), sports club screening, school health check ups. Please kindly contact us and we will tailor to your needs.

Fracture Management

Our doctors are well trained in the diagnosis and management of fractures, with the help of our high-quality x-ray services.   Our team is skilled at applying plaster-of-paris or fibre casts and our well-stocked pharmacy can supply splints, slings and limb support devices that may be needed.   We are able to liaise with our visiting orthopaedic surgeon for a specialist opinion and for management of more complicated fractures that may need surgery.   Our excellent physiotherapy team can also aid recovery once the fracture has healed.

Chronic Disease Management

Our services, ensure that those with long term condition such as Diabetes, Heart Failure, Hypertension, Asthma & other chronic conditions are well managed by our fully capable General Practitioners and specialists who understands how these diseases work, derive up how to optimize the care that you receive. We will conduct a treatment & lifestyle review and try to minimize the use of unnecessary medicines. We attempt to encourage healthy lifestyle and can advise you on the correct eating habits and lifestyle changes that can lead to healthier lives and happier you.s  

Dr Yusuf T Kaderbhai

Family Physician

Dr Godfrey Magoti

Family Physician

Dr Adnan Sulemanjee

Family Physician

Dr Hemed Khamis

General Practitioner 讲中文的海麦德医生在这儿呢

Dr Frances Ashby

General Physician

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24 Hours 7 Days / week

Tel: (255) 0739 542 542 / 022 266 4839

London Health Centre | Kimweri Av, Msasani | Dar Es Salaam | Tanzania.


Semi Private:

Morning: 9am to 11am
Evening:  5pm to 8pm 

Private :

7am to 10pm

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